free resources for my friends who want to start learning html and css!
- - has a course on html and css called web lab, this is what
i used when i was first learning
youtube - i use a lot of tutorials on youtube whenever learning something new, bro
code has 2 one hour long videos each covering basic html and css that i found to be
pretty helpful when i was relearning
w3schools - they have lots of tutorials and teach you how to use specific tags
- widget fix - unfortunately, neocities
blocks external javascripts, which includes the widget :(
however, i found a tutorial on how to make them work using iframes!
some widgets ive found or used, they really spice up the site
gifypet - a cute customizeable and interactive pet you can put on your site!
tamanotchi - another customizeable and interactive pet
cbox - a live chat widget
- - a widget to display your current status, automatically updates whenever you change it
piclog - kind of like status cafe, but you share heavily compressed jpeg images lol
moonconnection - moon phase widget
imood - small mood status widget
to decorate your site
file garden - free file hosting
atabook - website guestbook
favicon generator - get a custom favicon (the little image next to your site title)
learn how to add it here
pollcode - polls! very customizeable. i would put this under widgets but
because of neocities blocking external scripts, it is not functional. you can however, just link to it or
somehow make it work with an iframe